[ Systecode ]


Everything you need to know about the SYSTECODE

What is the Systecode?

Established by CELIEGE (The European Cork Federation), the SYSTECODE is a quality assurance system for the cork industry.


CELIEGE or The European Cork Federation represents all the associations of cork producers.

What are the reasons for establishing the SYSTECODE?

In 1992, CELIÈGE started the Quercus research project with the participation of 7 European countries, several public and private laboratories. The conclusions of this project, combined whit concerns by the users of cork products regarding traceability during manufacture, led CELIÈGE to draft the International Code of Cork Stopper Manufacturing Practice to be the international reference not only for companies involved in production and sale of cork stoppers but also for the users. To ensure that companies apply the recommendations of the Code in their production practice, a system of accreditation by independent experts has been set up to confirm that “good manufacturing methods for cork stoppers” are being employed. This is why the SYSTECODE was established.

What are the advantages for users?

It is a fact that suppliers who have been accredited under the SYSTECODE can offer their customers a guarantee that their products comply with the standards since their production processes have been checked ang analysed objectively.

Who is responsible for assessing the accreditation of cork companies?

The body appointed try CELIÈGE to grant certification under the SYSTECODE is the internationally respected organisation Bureau Veritas.

How does one find out which companies have been accredited under the SYSTECODE?

They are recognised by the SYSTECODE certificate which shows:

  • The accreditation number of the company
  • The date of expiry of the certificate
  • The activity that has been certifiedWhat type of companies use the SYSTECODE?

Every company or person involved in the production of cork who has made a request via one of the members of CELIÈGE –listed below:

  • FFL - Fédération Française du Liège (FRANCE)
  • APCOR – Associação Portuguesa de Cortiça (PORTUGAL)
  • AECORK – Asociación de Empresarios Corcheros de Cataluña (ESPAÑA)
  • FEDERLEGNO - ARREDO Gruppo Sughero di Assolegno (ITALIA)
  • FEDACOR – Federación Española de Asociaciones corcheras (ESPAÑA)
  • DKV – Deutscher Kork Verband e. V
  • CIF - Cork Industry Federation (UNITED KINGDOM)

List of companies accredited under the SYSTECODE for 2024
(audit 2023)

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