C.E.Liège is a dynamic organization that represents the entire European cork industry and lead the development of joint promotions supporting cork, its products and applications. One of the principal rules of C.E.Liège is to carry out research, to establish international standards and to share knowledge with other institutes and viticultural organization, for example:
The research programme on cork (both the material and its applications) between 1994-1999 was supported by the European Community. The Quercus study resulted in the “International Code of Cork Stopper Manufacturing Practice” which establishes rules of good practice for the production of cork stoppers
The objective of the system of accreditation called “Systecode” is to audit manufacturing plants producing cork stoppers and ensure they follow the Code of Practice. This approach to quality control at the manufacturing stages relies on a system audits carried out by and external organization Bureau Veritas. This independent body decides whether a company fulfills the conditions required and issues the certificates.